Right Extension Layout "Storage Yard"

Right Extension Layout "Storage Yard"
SKU: 81960
Manufacturer: Noch
Availability: Out of Stock
Product Info

 Expand your layout with 84320 Right Extension. This section is designed to give your trains access to the optional "Storage Yard" that can be mounted under your layout. Fertiggelände mit der Breite 69 cm werden mit Hilfe des Anbauteils "Vorfeld" Art. Nr. 84340 auf die Breite von 100 cm vergrößert. It is compatible with most N/Z layouts in the NOCH selection. Delivery Form: - Basic colours and grass applied. - Mounted on stable wood frame - Pre-cut tunnel underlays - Includes N/Z bridge Kit - Includes extension connectors - N scale track plan for: Arnaold, Fleischmann "Piccolo", Minitrix - Z scale track plan for: Marklin Mini-Club